Coming soon…Fertility coaching
- September 7th, 2018
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As an acupuncturist treating fertility issues for many years it has become much more apparent we need to treat so much more than the physical symptoms of fertility issues.
The emotional side is often a focus too but when dealing with grief because of recurrent miscarriages or losses I felt I wanted to offer more support and that is what led me to fertility coaching.
Avoiding certain friends when they fall pregnant, getting upset when you see a pregnancy announcement on social media, getting upset every month when your period starts…pretty much putting life on hold.
Struggling with fertility issues can be overwhelming and all consuming making women and their partners feel like they are drowning or feeling suffocated with the overwhelm.
Don’t give up hope, and definitely do not give up!!
The Freedom Fertility Formula coaching is all about finding ways of getting them out of that downward spiral of despair, when it feels like all that matters is having a baby and if they were pregnant all would be well with the world.
Freedom Fertility Formula Coaching sessions allows me to do just that. Helping them regain Emotional control, seeing light at the end of the tunnel, seeing the sunshine through the clouds, being able to be positive again and with focus.
Through a 6 session structured program we will work through the impact that fertility issues may have on their life and empowering them with the tools to combat any challenges or obstacles they may come across and regaining value in life. It will be life changing!!!
It is time to unlock the doors to your emotional prison and begin to live again. in the comfort of your own home
Coming soon…Freedom Fertility Formula Coaching